Thursday, April 28, 2005

Guess it depends on whether I get high again on Orange Swits

You are Coraline! You are quirky, strange, and
charming. Some people may find you a little
alarming and not always get you... But they can
piss off, right? You are the kind of person who
always needs to be entertained, otherwise you
get uncomfortable. You probably still enjoy
everything you did when you were little, such
as childrens books and Disney movies. You're fun
to be around and are usually the life of the

*~Which Neil Gaiman book are you?~*
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, April 22, 2005

Confessions of the pa-profound

Some say the true test of character comes when you go beyond yourself and your desires. Freedom from want is the only way for the spirit to be truly free.

Lately, I'm beginning to feel that my life has become one booby trap-mess of questions that need answering. My days are fraught with redundant moral dilemmas that have nothing to do with the essential. Daily living is an exercise in the mundane, which only becomes essential after you've taken stock of all your meandering ways and realized their moral implications. Just a minor caveat, I use the term moral loosely here, for lack of a more definitive word. Groping for words is a natural reaction for me, which results in occasional stammering and involuntary statement repetitions. People tend to think I'm suffering from a lapse in speech and thinking. Come to think of it, it may even be true.

But I digress. See here, mediocrity is truly a tragic crime of the youth in the same way that boredom is, and there are days when I fear that all of my 22 years of middle-class upbringing in suburban Zamboanga will go down the toilet as a mere example of globalization. Now I don't wish to try making sense out of this socio-economic debate. The point I'm driving at here is, well, that I'm decidedly consumerist. And I don't mean this in the entrepreneurial sense.

This I blame partly on my experiences in quasi-cosmopolitan Manila. Thank goodness, my penchant for acquisition hasn't blown up to massive proportions. I'm afraid people will no longer want to hang out with me for fear of being infected via osmosis with the consumer-crazy gene. Now child of materialism I am not, but these are consumer-driven times, and people who are not so gung-ho about acquisition like I am are indeed so lucky.

Crap. That's a lot of words, and all I wanna say is: I really gotta get me that Balenciaga motorcycle bag that I chanced upon in Greenhills. Seriously. This is basically what it boils down to.

Now you're probably wondering what's so special about faux designer loot. Nothing, really. But you see, in all statistical probability, this is the real deal. Yes, and it's in Greenhills. It's a few grand beyond budget, but it's still within price reach. And it's not fake, just probably acquired through other dubious means. After all, nothing that beautiful can be free and nothing that great a deal can be attained legally. Another moral dilemma in my hands. Sadly, only figuratively.

Actually, I'm not a bag hag through and through, and I don't need no damn Balenciaga to be happy. I'm the girl who can live from having to wear the same ratty Chuck Taylors day in and day out because they're just damn comfy. I'm not really partial to big name brands. But doggone it, I dream of Balenciaga. Truly madly deeply. It's crazy, but that's how bag hags like me operate. Selective acquisition, not variety, is the true spice of life.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Summer Lovin'

galera, baby! Posted by Hello

my girls and i partying to beachside beats Posted by Hello

This is quite overdue. The "Walero" posse and I had a grand time catching the rays at good ole Galera. I had a blast faking a crawl by splashing about in shallow waters. Of course, how could I also resist showing Mylene, Karen, and Jubert my dog paddle? And let me not forget, the beach tiangge was divine! Now if I'd only brought enough moolah to score myself more loot.. Hopefully, an encore sometime in May will curb this summer hankering of mine. In the meantime, summer is spent indoors playing badminton. After working hours.. I so miss the palamunin life.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

My thoughts on some of life's eternal issues

On riding a taxi in Manila:
Cabbies from hell are a fact of life.

On narcissism:
Perfectly natural. Loving oneself shouldn't be a crime. Especially if no one else will do the loving for you.

On boredom:
Arguably the worst crime when you're young.

On UP:
Best damn days of my life.

On happiness:
Happiness is getting together with the fam to gorge on mangga & ginisang bagoong and Coke after taking a late afternoon siesta.

On haute couture:
Beauty is unavoidable. Looking is free anyway.

On shopping:
3 words: Mango = RETAIL LUST.

On soulmates:
I'm like a bird, I'll only fly away. I dunno where my soul is, much less my soulmate.

On texting:
The Ayalas are robbing us blind. Best solution I see: marry into the Ayalas.

On life:
Life is a beach. Either that, or it's a bitch. Now get me to a beach, but quick!

Shoulda known. I've always been a bit of a storyteller.

You are the pilot.

Saint Exupery's 'The Little Prince' Quiz.
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