Wow, free dietary consulting! I lurrrvvv the Internet. Props to the MuayThaiFan for the heads up on the Metabolic Typing Quiz, the results of which you will see below.
Says the Natural Health Coach:
I especially love the fact that I get FreeDays to gorge (okay, well, maybe not exactly "gorge") on any dessert of my choosing. As anyone who knows me can attest, I have a pretty big little sweet tooth. I may be all for healthy eating and what-not, and I do have days when I can go totally vegan or carb-free if there is particular need for it. But to be perfectly honest, I tend to bypass that inner voice when I spy something that piques my curiosity (which, as everyone knows, is what killed the cat). If it looks pretty, I might just inhale the whole thing right then and there, regardless of whether I'm actually hungry or not. Curiosity of the palate is all it takes, and I find that I'm always able to rationalize through the racket of warning bells going off in my head.
But self-serving rationalization isn't always the way to go. If you have goals, whether they be in health, work, love, whatever, there's no room for wishy-washiness. Easier said than anything else, as always, but does that mean it's right to just shrug it off, saying "Duh, there are other more important things I should be concerned with.."? Fact is, in this day and age of takeout pizza and couch potato careerism, your health is all you have (okay, aside from your brain, your spirit, yada-yada.. but that's beside the point). If you're not healthy right now (or at least don't feel in the pink of things), you're not likely to be able to do a lot of things that everyone normally takes for granted. And that's hard, when you really take stock of the multitude of things one can do when they're unshackled by health woes. There is really a different kind of freedom to be had from merely knowing this. But as with all major struggles for freedom throughout history, the campaign for healthy living doesn't come without a fight. There will be times when we waver in our resolve and that's okay. But abandoning the cause is just plain sad. When you wave that white flag on your health, you might as well do the chicken dance while you're at it coz that's probably what you think being fit is good for. And by the way, just because one is fit doesn't mean they're healthy. That's a whole different debate. What we're talking about is something more holistic. We're not talking about Miss Hawaiian Tropic standards here. Heaven help me if I think I can begin to fathom the workout and lifestyle quirks of sub-one percent of the world population. Of course, being ripped like them girls in the pageant wouldn't be the worst thing to happen in life. So what, you ask, is being healthy then? Well, that remains to be more relative, and hence complex, a question than it would seem. (Perhaps another post would do the topic justice.) But suffice it to say that being healthy is more than a state of mind; it's a way of life.
Nobody said anything we ever do for ourselves was gonna be easy. But everything boils down to a little decision-making. And you stick by what you've decided you want for yourself through thick and thin. And in this case, thin is definitely better than thick (at least for the majority of us who aren't blessed with a killer metabolism). Now if I had the discipline for it, I would love to go the skinny way even, if only so I'd be able to squeeze into my fave threads from 5 years back (hmm, on second thought, I think I was a little chunkier then than I am now). But I somehow doubt if I can manage decent kicks and knees or not be blown away by great gusts of wind when I attempt my next 5K if I pulled a Mary Kate. In any case, I think the world would be an even brighter place if we fed our heiresses enough so that their median life expectancy would be a little higher, and then we can expect lots more antics from this bunch in the years to come. I just wonder if Lance has any plans of helping his new flame's twin beef up, what with him being the poster boy for carb fiends everywhere and all.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Hungry? Or Just Really Bored, Lonely, or Tired?
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